Shon Christy is one of Ohio's best social media speakers. Recognized as a pioneer and innovator, he founded the state's first niche social media agency. His 20 years of marketing experience, nearly 10 years of social media expertise and hundreds of speaking engagements with national reach make him one of the most prolific social media speakers in the state. Not to mention that Shon has the energy to engage an audience of any size.
Shon subscribes to a pivotal belief that has been picking up steam in the content marketing and social media spaces: attention is the new currency. Organizations spend far too much time pushing their agendas and not enough time focusing on adding value to their audiences. This customer-centric philosophy on social media, directly influenced by the book The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann, drives Shon to transform the way Ohio businesses use social media.
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